Dr Meglin’s unique regenerative medicine treatment protocols (Bio-hacks) are individualized for each patient.
A one to two-hour consultation is performed including clinical trials of low-level light, mild hyperbaric test dives, and ultrasound guided anesthetics injections to pinpoint pain generators.

about the treatment
Benefits of Bio-Hack Treatments
We also offer localized treatments to help improve erectile dysfunction, vaginal rejuvenation, hair restoration, stubborn fat loss.
These protocols have shown success in minimizing symptoms related to erectile dysfunction, women’s health, joint pain, neuropathy, general tiredness, low energy, inability to lose weight, shortness of breath, poor sleep.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Regardless of the medical concerns you are experiencing, there is a very good chance you can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy. To discover whether this treatment can help your body help itself, please give us a call at Advanced Regenerative Therapy today to schedule an evaluation. We hope to see you soon!