As you have gotten older, have you started to notice frustrating changes to your health? Does it feel like your personal life has suffered an unwanted negative change? Many men experience negative changes to their intimate wellness as they age in the form of erectile dysfunction (ED), and it can be frustrating. While it may feel embarrassing, you are not alone in your experiences, and there are treatment options available to help you feel like the best version of yourself again! Discover the men’s health treatments available at Advanced Regenerative Therapies during a consultation with us at one of our two locations–Buford, GA or Savannah, GA.

men's health treatments
What is ESWT?
ESWT, or extracoporeal shockwave therapy, is a non-invasive treatment option that addresses the cause of ED, blood flow. During these treatments, low-level shockwaves are delivered the to genital area. These waves work to break up plaque or calcifications in the treatment area, encouraging new and better blood flow. Lack of proper blood flow may be a culprit of the inability to achieve and maintain an erection.
What is PRP?
PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a golden yellow substance obtained from your own blood. PRP is packed with powerful growth factors. Injections are administered to the genital area, and these factors work to repair damaged tissues and improve function. The growth factors encourage healthy functioning and new blood flow to treat ED.
Could I Benefit from a Men's Health Treatment?
Most generally healthy men may qualify for our men’s health treatments. All potential candidates should approach these treatments with realistic goals and expectations. For the best results from these treatments, a series of regular treatment sessions may be recommended.
There are a myriad of potential benefits associated with ESWT and PRP. These treatments are intended to help improve:
Sex drive
Achieving or maintaining an erection
Sexual satisfaction
A consultation with our professionals in Buford can help you better understand your experiences. Many men experience ED or its symptoms as they age, and treatments are available. Your consultation is your opportunity to identify which treatment may be best for you.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
For personalized care and the most effective treatments for your unique needs, contact us today Advanced Regenerative Therapies to schedule your consultation to discuss our men’s health treatments. We will review your medical history, assess your current health and lifestyle, and devise a treatment plan to help you be strong and healthy.